发布时间: 2023-07-11


Since the reform and opening up, China has made remarkable economic achievements over the years, as the world's second largest economy, the huge market and business opportunities have attracted many outstanding talents from the world; China's splendid and inclusive culture also makes foreign talents hope to stay in China to work and live for a long time; China's public security environment is also one of the best in the world, and the country also has a variety of natural scenery and famous places in the world, so the number of green card applications in China has soared to more than ten times!


However, the difficulty of a Chinese green card is also one of the most difficult in the world. It is necessary to know that the United States green card is issued by several million every year, the United Kingdom also issues tens of thousands of green cards every year, and the Chinese green card issuance is in hundreds, thousands of units, many foreigners regard it as the highest honor.



NBA star Stephen Marbury, a two-time NBA All-Star, gave up his $20 million contract with the NBA and left the United States to play professional basketball in China, or CBA. After Beijing won the CBA championship for the third time, he finally won China's "green card"


This incident caused a great sensation at the time, and Fox Sports News reported that Stephen Marbury actually got a Chinese green card, what an incredible honor!


Take a look at the intellectuals who get Chinese green cards:


Nadferinga —— Visiting professor of East China University of Science and Technology, winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. And he comes to work in Shanghai every year and leads his team to do projects.


Kurt rich —— 2002 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, professor of Shanghai University of Science and Technology.


No wonder there is a joke in the immigration circle: "We are only missing one Nobel Prize......" from a Chinese green card


And what exactly is the so-called Chinese green card? In fact, it is a permanent residence permit in China. If foreigners hold a permanent residence permit, it is equivalent to the right of Chinese citizens in China except the right to vote. In fact, the permanent residence identity card of foreigners is equivalent to a Chinese resident identity card.


And what are the criteria for getting a Chinese green card? With 15 years of visa experience, BEISTON has compiled the information for a Chinese green card:

1. 申请人在中国投资,投资形式稳定纳税记录良好,年缴纳个人所得税不低于工资性年收入标准的20%的外国人;

1.Foreigners who invest in China, have a stable tax record, and pay annual individual income tax no less than 20% of the annual income standard;


2. Have no immediate family members abroad, refuge with immediate family members in China, have at least the age of 60, have stayed in China for at least 5 consecutive years, stay in China for no less than 9 months per year, have legal residence and stable income;


3. deputy director or associ
