发布时间: 2023-07-18



Zhang Feimiao introduction

Dear visitors friends:

Zhang Fei temple, also known as Zhang Huanhou temple, Zhangfei river hill, mountain take potential and consists of a set of imaginative ancient buildings, momentum magnificent magnificent. The main buildings in the main hall, side hall, Wang Yunxuan, sworn building, Zhufeng Pavilion, cuckoo Pavilion and pavilion 7 month. Before the five buildings built to commemorate Zhang Fei temple, two building to commemorate the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu in this guest two years built, is rare and martial temple.

Zhang Feimiao scenery

The origin of Zhang Feimiao

Zhang Fei temple for the memorial in the period of the Three Kingdoms Shuhan star Zhang Fei built. Founded in the end of Shu Han, after the dynasties repair extension, dating back more than one thousand seven hundred years history. Reportedly Zhang Fei in Langzhong was Department fan Jiang Zhang after the assassination of up, two people take the heads of the defected to Soochow, to Yunyang, Wen said peace and Wu Shu, will the heads of abandoned River, a fisherman fishing salvaged, buried in the foothills of the Phoenix.

The role of Zhang Feimiao

In this world of Li Miao Memorial, the Zhang Fei “the first in Yunyang, in Langzhong.“. Zhang Fei Da Yi Dayong, for people’s admiration, over the years, the lunar August 28 the birthday of the masses throughout the country have come to hold sacrificial folk activities, considerable scale and influence. Zhangfei make full use of the landscape, the mountain rock base Linjiang, landscape garden and temple building all blend into one harmonious whole set off each other.

Zhangfei environment

Outside the temple, stone stairway, Huang Jue stream waterfall pool vines, Lin Xi Jun thatched, wood and other ancient rock scene, beautiful and quiet. Sworn temple building, gallery, the main hall, wind Pavilion, looking cloud Xuan, cuckoo Pavilion, Kikunami kiosks and other ancient buildings, layout strict, laminated scattered, unique, North building magnificent tolerance and southern handsome building of rhyme, more garden Dianran, Takeki Rie, Qu paths. Therefore, Zhang Fei temple known as “Bashu Shengjing“ reputation.

Zhang Feimiao scenery

The origin of Wenzao Resort

Zhangfei temple also used since the Han and Tang Dynasties Stone carving, wood carving, calligraphy and painting more than 600 pieces and the Neolithic period since other relics thousands of pieces. Especially calligraphy inscriptions, famous essayist, genre scene, their excellences, many for domestic rare, with high historical, artistic and scientific research value, such as Han the table monument, “beam“ temporary monument “, Huang Tingjian’s book the orchid Fu“, Su Shishu “before ode of Chibi, Yue Feishu“ before and after the Inst “. Thus, there is“ Zhang temple stone, a on Shudong “of the. So zhangfei has “reputation Wenzao resort“.

The value of Zhang Feimiao

Due to the high value of Zhang Fei Temple of the natural landscape and the humanities landscape, 1980 is Sichuan provincial key cultural relics protection units, now in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of Chongqing city only flooded moved the key scenery scenic spots and historical sites. In recent years, it has attracted the world’s attention, the central leadership, experts and scholars, Chinese and foreign tourists are attracted to come to tour, along the Yangtze River is a major tourist destination.

Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, a guest in Yunyang wrote “cuckoo“ verse yun’an, cuckoo has always been a symbol of emotion Shigeyoshi, Yunyang people more emotion Shigeyoshi, guests from far away, please go to Yunyang to, Zhang Fei T
