发布时间: 2023-07-09



Gary Chaw, 超能力的超人
19届金曲奖之后,Gary Chaw,这个最佳国语歌手,越来越被人们所熟识.
Gary Chaw,曹格,1979年7月9日出身在马来西亚, 9岁时去了加拿大, 16岁时留学新西兰学习建筑学. 那时,他根本就没想过自己会成为一名歌手,一心只想着专心学习以为将来能找到一份好工作, 直到有一天,他听了一位美国著名歌手唱的歌“Superwoman“,喜爱之极,以至于自己也想创作音乐.
2001年,Gary来到中国台湾. 他花了两年时间在录音棚里学习如何创作音乐. 他开始写歌,但是音乐制作人们都不喜欢他的歌. Gary非常低落,但是他并没有因此而放弃. 他改变了音乐风格,最终获得了成功.
Gary已经出了好几张专辑, 为自己和一些著名歌手写了很多很棒的歌.


Dear Stanley,
Congratulation for your coming graduation! The World Exhibition or Exposition is now at it’s hot hour.I sincerely invite you come to China for a present visit of World Exhibition or Exposition,expecially the China Allegary,with full view of fruit of oriental culture,i am sure you will enjoy it very much.
We are available for accompanying with you the day after tomorrow.
See you 8 clock in front of the east gate of our school.


加里·佩顿(Gary Payton),1968年7月23日出生于美国加利福尼亚州奥克兰,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,绰号“手套”(The Glove)。“手套”加里-佩顿在超音速、湖人和热火三支球队带过,职业生涯总共签下了一亿零六百万美元合同,现有个人净资产一亿三千万美元。


LH: Hello and welcome to Talk Asia, I’m Lorraine Hahn. My guest today is Taiwanese pop star, Wang Lee Hom.
Born in New York in 1976, Wang grew up in the United States. Blessed with a mix of brains and talent, he spent his youth performing in local musicals, then pursued a degree in music at WilliamsCollege, followed by a masters degree from the prestigious Berkley School of Music.
While in university, Wang landed a recording contract in Taiwan. His breakthrough album, Revolution, garnered rave reviews and firmly established him as a rising star in the Asian music scene.
In addition to writing and producing his own music, Wang has also dabbled in movie projects around Asia.

Lee Hom, it’s so good to see you! Thank you. (WL: It’s great to see you again.) Thanks for coming in. Your music, a blending of east west. You also sort of embody this mix. How would you describe your style?
WL: Um, actually I call my style -- and I hope I don’t offend any of the viewers -- but I call it “chinked out.“
LH: I’m glad you said it and I didn’t.
WL: Well, the “chinked out“ style is a school of
hip hop - that’s the way I like to think of it - that incorporates Chinese elements and sounds. Uh, I started it off in my last album called Shangrila. And this album incorporated the music of ethnic minorities, in China, in Tibet, in Mongolia, Shenzhen. There’s 50 some odd --some people say 54, 55 different ethnic minorities -- tribal music. It’s a -- beautiful and original to Chinese culture. And this new album called Heroes of Earth incorporates Peking Opera and Quen-chu which are thousand year old traditions that are also unique to Chinese culture. Very unique instrumentation, costumes, singing styles. And it invigorates hip hop music. I don’t think anyone has ever done this before in hip hop, in the hip hop world.
王:「 chinked out 」
LH: Now when you use this so-called “derogatory“ racial slur (WL: Yeah) Did you not think you would offend some people?
WL: Well, I mean this is this is music. (LH: laughs) I’m an artist. I think I’d rather mak
