发布时间: 2023-07-06


01. 别说我冷,我的温暖并不多,全都留给那些对我好的人了

02. 得不到回报的付出,要懂得适可而止。否则,打扰了别人伤了自己。

03. 会嫉妒会发疯会不安会失常,喜欢一个人就是这样的

04. 离开你并不可怕,可怕得是怎样收起我对你的依赖。

05. 我就是不温柔不淑女不体贴人还满嘴脏话坏脾气怪性格那又如何,

06. 不属于我的东西,紧握在手里,只会弄痛自己。

07. 如果可以我宁愿当初不认识,起码不会像现在这样心都丢了。

08. 一直相信,阴影也是可以很美的,因为那是光的赐予。

09. 懂自己的人不需要解释,不懂的人没必要解释。

10. 突然想要一次旅行,没有目的,只想先离开这里。

11. 不知不觉,我才发现,原来知道是这么的爱你。

12. 爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他;怕失掉他。

13. 不管今后走到哪里,我都会珍惜身边每一道风景。

14. 一个没有自制力的人是一个没有自我的傀儡。

15. 不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天

16. 无论我此时是如何的彷徨迷茫,最终,我都要过上自己想要的生活。

17. 最固执的 是一个人的心。你可以说服所有人,却说服不了自己的心。

18. 不要以为我傻,只是有些东西我看在眼里,埋在心里。

19. 不管你是否还相信爱情,但请相信,爱与被爱都是幸福的。

20. 有时,我可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面,有时,也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。

21. 我在等一个人,在等我的永恒,告诉我爱不单行别害怕。

22. 我会好好的生活,不为别的,就为这些年我亏欠自己的。




















Hello, March, please be good to me.   你好,四,请对我好点。
Time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。
Keep you on my arm girl, you’d never be alone.
Cry me a river, cry me a sea.
I wonder you can stay here with me one more day
You let me heartbeat also let me heartache
Finally understand,I really do not。终于明白,原来我真的什么都不是
If you come any closer,I’m not letting you go
A woman is good for love pain is forgotten
Time cut scar is called growth - 时间划破的伤疤叫做成长
Why I changed it is thanks to you
A joke to you,The name of love./我给你讲个笑话它的名字叫爱情
I’m used to wandering outside the rain
I Want happiness , Be you give a care。
would you stay with me?(你愿意和我在一起么?)
I am waiting for here.
You jump I jump 生死相随
I don’t wanna hurt you,.
My love is a question But you are not the answer
My love is a child A child who likes to cry
My love is blind my love is deaf
My love is full my love is pure
I’m so wounded I can’t find my lover,
Waste time, who you are(荒芜年华,你会是谁的过客)
 Time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。
Please don’t be in love with someone else请求你不要爱上别人
I love you to damn much 我是这么地爱你
I’m not able to explain the reason
Falling leaves , 是风ご的追逐。还是 ひ树的不挽留。
Today goodbye, hello tomorrow.再见,明天你好.
As old as time, as straight as a line
Love warms more than a thousand fires.
People who are able to hurt me are all my beloved.
all or nothing, now or never 。要么没有,要么全部。要么现在,要么永不。
Eternity is not a distance but a decision.
Learning Meixinmeifei, for everything is nothing.
Understanding how pain。多么痛的领悟
Making Love Out Of Nothing At All
just a joke
Never say die----永不言败
Easy come,easy go.
A B C D E F G=A boy can do everything for girl
The more I do,the more I can do.
Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.
Love is blind.爱情是盲目的。
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
- Time cut scar is called growth. 时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。
If i love you www.doershow.com
Is it possible you still love me?———有没有能够,你还爱我?
Grasp all, lose all. 什么都想要,什么都失掉。
When Superman fell in love with a monster,
Sorry, I forgot. You don’t need me anymore.
A life lived in love will never be dull。
Waiting for a ghost town with a heart.
Many people inadvertently pulled out of your world
Bitch is hypocritical
Time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长        
I was born to tell you love you . 我多想告诉你我爱你。
The fuck you are my life in a ass
