发布时间: 2023-07-09



Plastic with the hazard
Plastic bag recycling low-value, now mostly recovered and into the environment, its two main hazards to the environment, or “visual pollution“ and “potentially harmful.“
Visual pollution is scattered in the environment of the waste plastic products on the cityscape, landscape damage. In large cities, tourist areas, water, railway next to the scattered people of waste plastics to the adverse visual stimuli affect the city, the overall beauty of scenic spots. But also damages the image of our country and people. We call this situation as “visual pollution.“ Visual pollution is the “white pollution“ in the most prominent hazards. In our cities, tourist areas, water, roads and railways on both sides of the existence of different levels of waste plastic waste visual pollution, the waste plastic scattered on the ground or hung in the branches with the wind flying, or floating in the water, environmental pollution, spread of disease, people expressed strong opinions.
Potential hazard is the plastic waste into the natural environment brought about difficulty in long-term degradation of the deep environmental problems. Plastic structural stability of the natural microorganisms can not easily be destroyed in a natural medium to long term does not. This means that waste plastics recycling waste, if not, will become pollutants in the environment section of the permanent presence is not cumulative. Hazards in the environment are the following:
Affect the industrial and agricultural production. Mixed plastic waste accumulating in the soil will affect the crops absorb nutrients and water, leading to crop failures; floating in the Yangtze River in the plastic products has caused great difficulties to access to water, causing the pump for taking the time and plug, to cause industrial production and hydropower huge losses. If Hydroelectric Station, every day because of floating plastic garbage clean-up, loss of power shut down 200000KW.H. After the completion of the Three Gorges hydropower station in the future, such as plastic waste pollution continue to water it on the power loss, would be disastrous;
Threat to the survival of animals. Abandoned on land or water in the waste plastic products, animal as food ingestion, leading to animal death. In the zoo, pastoral, rural, sea, such cases are not uncommon;
With the landfill of waste plastics will not only take up a lot of land, and occupied the land long-term recovery without affecting the sustainable use of land. Waste into the garbage in the recycling of plastic products is difficult, if its landfill, 200 years is not degraded, will result in long-term occupation of large tracts of land, increasing pressure on land resources. Not only our generation to be surrounded by garbage, but also future generations would lose their living space;
Affected the utilization of garbage. Garbage mixed with plastic does not apply to composting, sorting out waste from the garbage in plastic, in turn, increases the cost of composting. Contaminated waste plastics can not guarantee the quality due to its use value is low;
Improperly discarded plastic garbage environmental health departments to increase strength and pressure; plastic waste is still very easy to carry bacteria and spread disea
