发布时间: 2023-07-19



July 10th 2004 Sat. Fine
The plane finally touched the ground. It was around 5:00 p.m. local time, that is, London time, which is eight hours behind Beijing time. After a fuss at the luggage claim, we mixed into the crowd of people with different colors and styles. My eyeballs kept jumping from one alien to another. What a sight!
Then we were met by someone from the university, who, we later learned, is called Barbara, our course director. It was about an hour’s bus ride before we finally reached Brighton, where we were picked up by different English host families. My host family is a couple with a five-year-old daughter. On the way to their home, the hostess said that we (Xu Huishang and I) were lucky because they had just moved to the new house. We each have a separate room. The bathroom is OK. What we had for dinner was something like pizza and some vegetables.
It was only after the shower that I realized I had been up for almost 24 hours. It was the longest day I had ever had. I will have to get over the jet lag.
July 13th 2004 Fine
In order to save money, Xu Huishang and I decided to walk to the university, but we never expected that the pavement only extended to the end of the town. We ended up walking on the edge of the highway with cars whistling by.
Sandra was highly tensed, complaining all the way. Luckily, it was our idea, not mine alone. I tried to appear more calm while quite aware of the danger we were in. We could have been knocked down by any of the passing cars! Thank God, this didn’t happen.
July 19th 2004 fine
There are several interesting things that I’d like to write about.
1. When it is almost nine o’clock in the evening, the sun is still shining high above the horizon.
2. Drinking water is available in the toilet !
3. My teacher Barbara wears so many fancy rings on her fingers and even one on her toe!
4. There are metal boxes attached to some of the poles on the campus. They are meant for the students to put in the cigarette ends.
5. Cars marked with L at the back tell people that someone learning driving is driving the car. Cars marked with P means someone who has just passed the driving test is driving the car.
6. Words in large letters are painted on the road to give signs and warnings, such as, “BUS LANE”, “BUS AND TAXI”, “LOOK RIGHT, THEN LOOK LEFT”, “KEEP CLEAR”, “NO PARKING”, “STAND BACK” etc.
7. Almost all the houses have chimneys on the roofs.
8. Most of the bus-drivers are people in their fifties, who are very kind and helpful.
9. In the university cafeteria there is a large rotating shelf on which students put their used trays after eating.
10. Almost all the houses facing the streets have got beautifully-woven white curtains which are out of date in China but to me they are very romantic.
July 21st 2004 fine
After dinner, Xu Huishang and I took a walk to Rottingdean. When we drew near, we took a different path which leads to the windmill on top of a hill. Once we reached the windmill, we found ourselves in the middle of a golf course, and the English Channel spread before us with the sun setting. What a splendid sight! We were very excited and Sandra began to shout (I made sure that there was no one around). We took some photos and came back by bus.
July 22nd 2004 Fine
To be frank, I don’t like the computer lesson at all. Lily speaks in a very faint voice and she is always on her own. I figured she is not a native Eng
