发布时间: 2023-07-19



鞋子的英文是shoe,其读音为: 英 。具体释义如下:

shoe  英   

1、名词 n.鞋;蹄铁;(汽车轮的)制动器,煞车;外胎

例:This shows where the foot and shoe are in contact. 


2、动词 vt.为…钉蹄铁;给…穿上鞋;装防护物

例:All the horses must be shoed with new horseshoes for the show.



1、fill sb’s shoes接替某人的职位

2、in sb’s shoes处于某人的地位〔境地〕,设身处地

3、lick sb’s shoes巴结,奉承 

4、step into sb’s shoes 接替(某人)的职务

5、shoe with (v.+prep.)用…做鞋; 用…钉蹄铁


一、常见句型:用作及物动词  S+shoe+ n./pron.

例:A man who shoes horses is called a farrier.



2、“一双鞋”是a pair of shoes, shoe多用于复数形式。





马蹄铁被认为会招来好运。但追溯其起源,说法不一。有的认为马蹄铁形如新月,而新月代表新生,所以是吉祥的。古爱尔兰传说耶稣出生在马厩,因此马蹄铁也具有神奇的力量。如果有人拾到马蹄铁便被认为会招来好运。我们这里要讲的则是另外一种解释。 History has shown horseshoes displayed with the heels both up and down. They can be found on silver coins from 300 BC, displayed on banners, and most recently above the door of many homes. More often than not, horseshoes placed above the door have the heels up and the ground surface of the shoe facing out. It is said that a horseshoe placed in this position over the door is good luck for all who are in this home. However, there are also horseshoes displayed with the heels down. The reasoning here is that from this shoe (with the heels down) good luck will flow down upon all who come and go through this doorway. The tradition of putting a horseshoe over the door to bring good luck and keep the devil away has long been tradition. The story behind this tradition has many variations. This is one of them: Once upon a time, a wise old blacksmith was hard at work making horseshoes. The sound of the anvil attracted the attention of the devil. He saw that the smith was making horseshoes, and he thought it would be a good idea to get his own hoofs shod. So the devil made a deal with the smith and stood to be shod. The wise blacksmith saw with whom he was dealing, and so he nailed on a red-hot shoe, driving the nails square into the center of the devil’s hoof. The devil then paid him and left; but the honest blacksmith threw the money into the forge fire, knowing it would bring him bad luck. Meanwhile, the devil walked some distance and began to suffer the greatest torture from the new shoes. The more he danced and pranced and kicked and swore, the more they hurt him. Finally, after he had gone through the most fearful agony, he tore them off and threw them away. From that time to this, whenever the devil sees a horseshoe he turns and runs--anxious to keep out of the way of those torturous devices. anvil: 铁砧


Green Day
绿日(Green Day)乐队是90年代之后美国朋克音乐复兴时期的重要乐队之一,他们的成员深受70年代朋克音乐时期经典乐队影响,而简明上口的流畅旋律让他们的音乐更便于流行。在1994年涅槃王朝(Nirvana)崩塌之后,朋克音乐复兴与另类流行摇滚乐当道的时候,Green Day乐队也一跃成为了这股风潮的中流砥柱,成为了90年代以后最受欢迎的摇滚乐队之一,也是美国流行乐朋克复兴中最有影响的乐队之一。
1988年,只有16岁的吉他手兼歌手Billie Joe Armstrong与同龄的儿时伙伴,贝司手Mike Dirnt联手在美国加利福尼亚州西北部首先组建了Green Day的前身Sweet Children乐队,1989年当鼓手Al Sobrante加入之后正式更名为Green Day——吸食大麻的一天,意在使歌迷们对他们的音乐如同对大麻一样上瘾。成军之后通过发行一些EP专辑,进入90年代的Green Day在加州北方的地下朋克圈内名声鹊起,随即加盟了加州当地的独立唱片公司Lookout!。随着该公司老总Larry Livermore的推广,Green Day乐队已经成为了加州地下的名角。1991年,Green
