发布时间: 2023-07-18



西班牙,正式名称为西班牙王国(西班牙语:Reino de España;英语:Kingdom of Spain),是一个位于欧洲西南部的国家。
15世纪末,西班牙已经成为一个殖民大国,逐渐成为西班牙帝国(Spanish Empire)。16世纪,西班牙通过在美洲获得的巨大财富成为欧洲最强大的国家。但是然而由此引发的持续反抗斗争最终使得西班牙的国力衰退下来。18世纪的君主王位继承战争使得西班牙陷入了毁灭的灾难,西班牙先后失去了比利时、卢森堡、米兰等地。随着19世纪法国拿破仑的入侵,西班牙在整个19世纪的大部分时间都在进行反抗斗争。这时期西班牙开始失去她在美洲的殖民地,并最终导致了1898年的美西战争。


Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain (Spanish: España, Reino de España), is a country located in Southern Europe, with two small exclaves in North Africa (both bordering Morocco). The mainland of Spain is bounded on the south and east by Mediterranean Sea (containing the Balearic Islands), on the north by the Bay of Biscay and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean (containing the Canary Islands off the African coast). Spain shares land borders with Portugal, France, Andorra, Gibraltar and Morocco. It is the largest of three sovereign states that make up the Iberian Peninsula — the others being Portugal and Andorra.
Different cultures have settled in the area of modern Spain, such as the Celts, Iberians, Romans, Visigoths, and Moors. For just over five centuries, during the Middle Ages, large areas were under the control of Islamic rulers, a fragment of which survived as late as 1492, when the Christian kingdoms of Castile and Aragón completed the 770 years long process of driving the Moors out. That same year, Christopher Columbus reached the New World, leading to the creation of the world-wide Spanish Empire. Spain became the most powerful country in Europe, but continued wars and other problems gradually reduced Spain to a diminished status. The 20th century was dominated in the middle years by the Franco dictatorship; with the dawn of a stable democracy in 1978, and having joined what is now known as the European Union in 1986, Spain has enjoyed an economic and cultural renaissance.
There are a number of hypotheses as to the origin of the Roman name “Hispania“, the root of the Spanish name España and the English name Spain.
Spain is a democracy which is organized as a parliamentary monarchy. It is a developed country with the eighth-largest economy in the world.


Widely known for Flamenco music and dance, bull-fights, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine, Spain has to offer much more than that. It is - and has been for thousands of years - one of the cultural centers of Europe. It has beautiful cities and towns, offering really old monuments as well as futuristic architecture. Its various regions are all different one to each other, geographically, climatically and even in personality. It is a fascinating country to know
