发布时间: 2023-07-07














范例一:Not satisfied with merely following the curriculum study, I chose to practice my mathematical skills and well-rounded competence in a wide range of academic contests and student activities. I progressively signed up in the Challenge Cup Academic Thesis Contest, National Mathematical Modeling Contest for Undergraduate Student, CUFE Financial Asset Planning Competition, and the MCM organized by COMAP from 2015 to 2017. In these activities, I collaborated with different teams, and enjoyed acting as the problem solver in each of them. All scenarios and cases I touched in these contests are highly practical, which extended my theoretical understanding in college learning, and granted me more opportunities to use models and data skills to solve more real-world problems. Worth mentioning, I satisfyingly fulfilled my leader role in three of these contests, exceling in tasks including developing research frameworks and organizing resources. Apart from engaging in these activities, I have been dedicated in my interests in reading, sports (power lifting and street workout), Chinese chess, and crosstalk performance. Although the double degree study and participation in these activities can be time consuming and exhausting, I managed to strive for my optimal balance and enriched student life.


范例二:Embracing the international experience and resources from the two universities, I have been able to diversify my study in an ideal way. I particularly devoted time and efforts to sharpen my skills and vision in business problem solving. In May 2017, I have worked with two students at Jilin University to participate in the Innovative Entrepreneurial Program for National Undergraduate Students, one of the most recognized business competitions in China. We selected an intriguing topic on the invisible cost’s influence on corporate’s performance in the fields of profitability, growth pace, and HRM control. Although I was a ‘remote participant’ in the first half of the event, I tried my best to cope with the time differences, and took initiative and organized productive discussions in regard of research framework development, quantitative methodology selection, and task arrangement etc. In the first few days, I have accomplished the project planning, as well as sufficient reviews of invisible cost studies for American enterprises, developing the reasonable parameters for the team. Thus, after flying back to China, I was able to lead my team to achieve satisfying productivity. On the basis of risk management theories of modern enterprises
