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2023/7/6 17:11:24 ('互联网')

0:09:I've always loved trains.

0:13:In fact, if my career in theoretical physics hadn't worked out,

PLAN?work something ? out?

to think carefully about how you are going to do something and plan a good way of doing it

0:18:my backup plan was to become a professional ticket-taker.

-taker?used with?nouns?to?describe?people who take or?collect?things

0:21:Or hobo.

someone who?travels?around and has no home or?regular?job

0:30:And when I figured out that trains allowed me to prove Newton's first law--an object in motion stays in motion?with the same speed and in the same direction?unless?acted upon?by an unbalanced force--

in motion:moving from one place or?position?to another

act on/upon?something?phrasal verb?

todo something because of another person’s?advice?or order, or because you have received information or had an idea

0:43:I felt like Neil Armstrong on the moon,alone and happy.

0:48:Shelly,dinner's ready!

0:53:I don't care how dimwitted you are.



0:55:Scientific principles have to make you smile.

0:58:Of course,nobody I knew in East Texas in 1989 cared about Newtonian physics.


relating to the laws of physics that we(创举是什么意思?“创举”是一个汉语词汇,它主要的意思是指前所未有的、影响大的举动或事业。)re?discovered?by the?scientist?Isaac Newton

1:05:The only Newtons they cared about were Wayne and Fig.

1:09:Sheldon, if you don't get in here,I'm gonna lick your toothbrush! Coming!


to move your?tongue?across the?surface?of something in order to eat it,?wet?it,?clean?it etc

1:13:That's my sister.And she's done it before.

1:21: What the hell were you doing out there?

1:22: George,language.

1:23:What language?So?

1:25:I was exploring dimensional kinematics.



1:27: Admit it--he's adopted.

1:29: How can I be adopted when I have a twin sister? Think,monkey, think.

1:34:That's enough. No one's adopted.

1:35:I wish I was.

1:36: That can still be arranged. Now, let's pray.

1:39: A moment,please.

1:44:- Leave him be. -

?1:44: He can hold hands with his family. It won't kill him.

1:47: We don't know that. Georgie,did you wash your hands before dinner? Or even this week?

1:52: None of your business.

1:53: Hence the mittens.


a type of?glove?that does not have?separate?parts for each?finger

1:57:Thank you,God, for this food we're about to receive and for the nourishment of our bodies, and bless the hands that prepared it. Amen.

nour?ish?ment?/?n?r??m?nt?$$??n??-, ?n?-/?noun?[uncountable]?formal?

the food and other?substances?that people and other living things need to live, grow, and?stayhealthy

2:06: How come we ain't got no tater tots?



tot /t?t?$$?tɑ?t/?noun?[countable]

?informal?a very small child

2:08: I made tater tots last night.

2:09: I'd take tater tots over mashed potatoes any day.


?been?pressed?until is?smooth

2:12: Just eat what I made you.

2:13: Can we at least have tater tots tomorrow?

2:15: It was family dinners like this that led me to adopt a mid-Atlantic accent.

2:20: Nobel Prize winners... ought not be order in' tater tots.

2:24: Everybody excited to start school Monday?

2:26: I am.

2:27: I guess so.

2:29: Georgie?

2:30: Freshman year, that's a big deal.

2:32: How can I be excited when he's gonna be in the same grade as me?

2:35: Don't worry, G







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