发布时间: 2022-11-22















【英文版】 Don't be careless about summer health, some diet tips should be noted

Eat some bitter food. The alkaloids contained in bitter food have pharmacological effects such as relieving heat, promoting blood circulation and relaxing blood vessels.Eating some bitter gourd and bitter herbs in hot days, as well as beer, tea, coffee, cocoa and other bitter food,not only can they clear the mind and make people awake, but also improve appetite and nourish the spleen and stomach.

Drink more porridge in summer.Generally speaking, the whole summer diet should be light and less greasy,eating some pepper in moderation can help sweat, promote digestion and increase appetite.It is suitable to drink more porridge in summer.In the morning and evening meal you can drink some mung bean porridge which can tonify the kidney and detumescence,lotus seed porridge that can strengthen spleen and replenish Qi,lotus leaf porridge that can clear stomach and moisten intestines, relieve thirst and detoxify. and lily porridge, tremella porridge or astragalus porridge, etc. which can moisten the lung, relieve cough, nourish the mind and calm the mind.

Pay attention to supplying vitamins.Nutritionists suggest that in high temperature season, it is best to supplement 2 mg vitamin B1 and 2 mg B2, 50 mg vitamin C and 1 g calcium per person per day,which can reduce the consumption of sugar and tissue protein in the body and is good for health.You can also eat some foods that rich in nutrients, such as watermelon, cucumber, tomato, beans and their products, animal liver and kidney and shrimp skin, etc. are recommended.or you can also drink some juice.

Drink more water.Drink more water in summer,and it is best to drink warm water,seven or eight glasses of boiled water are needed every day.We should keep water and supply water to the body at any time,water plays a vital role in the human body,and it maintains the normal physiological function of body.Water of human body will be lost more in summer, it will seriously affect your health if you do not supply water in time, and water shortage will easily make the skin dry, wrinkles increased and accelerate human aging.

Cold drinks should be controlled. The temperature will last about 30 degrees in summer,we will feel thirsty and hot as if we are on fire,but do to not drink too much iced tea or iced coffee, etc.,If you drink too much iced drinks,the blood vessels of body contract rapidly, which will lead to metabolic stagnation and weight gain.When eating cold drinks, you can not eat too much at one time,otherwise there will be adverse reactions.At this time, children will suffer from abdominal pain,the middle aged and elderly people will suffer form angina pectoris, the health people may appear gastroenteritis, laryngospasm and nutritional deficiency,and eating too much cold drinks may damage your teeth, too.

The above are summer health tips that I share with you today.Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more knowledge about Coronary heart disease, please pay attention to us.See you next time.


