发布时间: 2022-12-11
【6-inch cheesecake with Oreo crust的做法】6-inch cheesecake with Oreo crust怎么做_6-inch cheesecake with Oreo crust的家常做法


In case I forget how to make a 6-inch one...


Oreo 16 slices
Sugar 2 tablespoons
Unsalted Butter(melted) 3 tablespoons
Cream cheese 12 oz
Sugar 1/2 Cup
Cornstarch 1 tablespoon
Sour cream 1/3 cup
Heavy cream 1/2 cup or more
Lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon
Vanilla extra 1 teaspoon
Eggs 2

6-inch cheesecake with Oreo crust的做法  

  1. #Crust
    pre-heat to 350°

    1.Using rolling pin to crack the oreo.
    2.Add melted butter and sugar into oreo crumb crust
    3.Mix all the ingredients of crust
    4.Grease leftover butter into the springpan
    5.Put the crust evenly on the bottom
    6.Back it abut 8-10mins
    7.Cool the crust and prepare the filling

  2. #Filling
    1.Mix cream cheese, then gradually add sugar and cornstarch
    2.Mix sour cream, sour cream, lemon juice(optional) and vanilla extract
    3.Add egg one by one and mix it
    4.Stir it until it is creamy
    5.Pour the batter over the crust
    6.Transfer the pan into water bath(add boiling water into a large roasting pan)
    7.Bake it in 350° 45-50min
    8.Bake it in 200° 20min
    9.Cool down in the oven 40min
    10.Open the door for 40min
    11.Cool down in room temperature then put in the refrigerator over night.
    12.In the next day, you can set up your topping:))

  3. #Topping idea
    1.Fruit topping
    2.Whipped cream

    6-inch cheesecake with Oreo crust的做法 步骤3


If you wanna taste more sour, you can add more sour cream.
If you wanna taste sweeter, you can add more heavy cream.

6-inch cheesecake with Oreo crust的留言

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