发布时间: 2022-12-11
【Berry Au Lait的做法】Berry Au Lait怎么做_Berry Au Lait的家常做法


Christina Tosi, the James Beard Award-winning pastry savant behind Momofuku's sister bakery Milk Bar, loves cereal. It's apparent in her roster of creative desserts, which cleverly combine unexpected ingredients (coffee grounds, potato chips) with staple foods from your elementary school breakfast (corn flakes, puffed rice cereal). The result is always rich and insanely delicious. So it makes complete sense why Kellogg's tapped the chef to create a selection of innovative recipes using their trademark brands.

"People love flavors that they've already connected with," Tosi tells InStyle. "The way I like to create and innovate is by taking those everyday ingredients and figuring out how to breathe new life into them." Her most recent attempt is this surprisingly satisfying Berry au Lait, which blends Frosted Mini-Wheats, milk, ground coffee, and raspberries for a sophisticated spin on the childhood classic. "Each biscuit soaks up the milk so you get a burst of flavor in each bite," she adds. Try it out for yourself with the recipe below.


Frosted Mini-Wheats 21 biscuits
Milk Bar cereal milk, or milk sweetened with cornflakes, brown sugar, and a pinch of salt 1 cup
ground coffee 1/8 tbsp
raspberries 1/4 cup

Berry Au Lait的做法  

  1. In a bowl, combine Frosted Mini-Wheats and cereal milk.

  2. Sprinkle on ground coffee and top with raspberries.

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