发布时间: 2023-06-22


- 辣白菜:500克

- 干辣椒:适量

- 葱姜蒜:适量

- 盐:适量

- 糖:适量

- 生抽:适量

- 醋:适量

- 食用油:适量


1. 将辣白菜切成小块,备用。

2. 将干辣椒切段,葱姜蒜切末备用。

3. 锅中倒入适量食用油,放入葱姜蒜末煸炒出香味。

4. 放入干辣椒煸炒至变色。

5. 将辣白菜倒入锅中翻炒均匀。

6. 加入适量盐、糖、生抽和醋,翻炒均匀。

7. 炒至辣白菜变软烂,加入少量水,盖上锅盖焖煮约10分钟。

8. 待水分收干后,即可出锅。


this is a common recipe for "sour 白菜" in Chinese. The main ingredients are sour 白菜,干辣椒,葱姜蒜, salt, sugar,生抽, and醋.

This recipe is simple and easy to follow. First, the sour 白菜 should be cut into small pieces and cleaned. Then, the干辣椒 and葱姜蒜 should be chopped into small pieces. Next, a few drops of oil should be added to the pot, and the葱姜蒜 should be投火煸炒出香味. Then, the sour 白菜 should be added to the pot and stir-fried until it is fully cooked. Finally, the salt, sugar, and生抽 and醋 should be added, and the dish should be finished with a little water.

This recipe is good for both beginners and experienced chefs. It is a versatile dish that can be made with different types of vegetables and meat. It is also a good choice for a healthy meal.


this recipe is a good example of how to make sour 白菜 in Chinese. It is simple, easy to follow, and provides a good balance of flavors. The dish is also relatively healthy, as it is made with a variety of ingredients and is not highly flavored.

