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2023/7/11 1:38:53 ('互联网')



Study method【By Kaiser3344】
  Recently, I had a discussiion with my classmates about how to learn English well.
  Most of us agree that excercisement is the most important method, but I think we should learn English by a cute way instead of a hard one, so that we can learn it well quickly.
  To sum up from my own experience, phonetic symbol(音标)is the most thing that English learner should master of, for which is the thing that we can recite new words quickly by. As for the hearing and speaking, we can improve them by listening English tapes whtever it talks about during cleaning or some sports.
  The most stupid mothod is reading the same word again and again,it’s useless and a wasting of time! English learning need to accumulate a lot and to understand a lot, but not to recite a lot.
  In the other word, when you learn Chinese years ago, you needn’t recite lots of words on purpose, but the fact is you know and be able to use many of them gradully during talking with other.


1..recital n. 背诵;朗诵,吟诵;独奏会;独唱会
2..recitation n. 背诵;朗诵;详述;背诵的诗
注 :没有 recitement 这个单词


Recently, I had a discussiion with my classmates about how to learn English well.
Most of us agree that excercisement is the most important method, but I think we should learn English by a cute way instead of a hard one, so that we can learn it well quickly.
To sum up from my own experience, phonetic symbol(音标)is the most thing that English learner should master of, for which is the thing that we can recite new words quickly by. As for the hearing and speaking, we can improve them by listening English tapes whtever it talks about during cleaning or some sports.
The most stupid mothod is reading the same word again and again,it’s useless and a wasting of time! English learning need to accumulate a lot and to understand a lot, but not to recite a lot.
In the other word, when you learn Chinese years ago, you needn’t recite lots of words on purpose, but the fact is you know and be able to use many of them gradully during talking with other .




在学习中体会的乐趣 写一篇英语作文

Recently, I had a discussiion with my classmates about how to learn English well.
Most of us agree that excercisement is the most important method, but I think we should learn English by a cute way instead of a hard one, so that we can learn it well quickly.
To sum up from my own experience, phonetic symbol(音标)is the most thing that English learner should master of, for which is the thing that we can recite new words quickly by. As for the hearing and speaking, we can improve them by listening English tapes whtever it talks about during cleaning or some sports.
The most stupid mothod is reading the same word again and again,it’s useless and a wasting of time! English learning need to accumulate a lot and to understand a lot, but not to recite a lot.
In the other word, when you learn Chinese years ago, you needn’t recite lots of words







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