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2023/7/6 20:20:32 ('互联网')

中国最贫穷的城市是哪一个The provinces and regions in China have evaluated the most poorest cities based on the comprehensive per capita income level and per capita GDP: (some provincial and prefecture -level cities are less, only the poorest one) Hebei Province: Zhangjiakou City, Xingtai City, Liaoning Province in Chengde City: Chaoyang Municipal, Tieling City, Fuxin City, Jilin Province: Siping City, Baicheng, Liaoyuan City Heilongjiang Province: Suihua City, Qitaihe City, Shuangyashan Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Bayannaoer City, Wuhai City, Shanxi Province, Tongliao City: Luliang City Luliang City , Xinzhou City, Linfen City Henan Province:柱madian City, Xinyang, Sanmenxia Shandong Province: Heze, Linyi, Liaocheng Anhui Province: Suzhou City, Liu'an, Chizhou City Jiangsu Province: Suqian City, Huai'an City, Lianyungang Port City Zhejiang Province: Lishui City, Luzhou City, Huzhou City, Fujian Province: Ningde City, Sanming City, Longyan City Jiangxi Province: Ji'an City, Fuzhou, Ganzhou Hubei Province: Huanggang City, Suizhou City, Xiaogan City Hunan Province: Yongzhou City: Yongzhou City: , Huaihua City, Zhangjiajie Guangdong Province: Heyuan City, Yunfu City, and Meizhou Hainan have only two cities that are not counting the Guangxi柱ang Autonomous Region: Baise City, Hechi City, Hezhou Guizhou Province: Sichuan Province, Liupanshui City: Bazhong City, Ya'an City, Ya'an City , Dazhou City Yunnan Province: Only one city in Lincang City, Simao City, Zhaotong City Tibet Autonomous Region does not count Shaanxi Province: Ankang, Shangluo, Hanzhong City Gansu Province: Dingxi City, Longnan City, Pingliang City, only one city Statistics statistics from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region: There are only two cities in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in Guyuan City (the three worst counties or cities in the four major municipalities in the four major municipalities) Beijing: Pinggu District, Mentougou District, Yanqing County, Tianjin City: Ninghe County, Ji县County , Jinghai County Shanghai: Chongming County, Jinshan District, Chongqing City, Feng县District: Puyang County, 石柱县, Wuxi County,中国最穷的城市有哪些The three poverty -stricken three cities in China have evaluated the most poor three cities based on the comprehensive per capita income level and per capita GDP: (some provincial and prefecture -level cities are less, only the poorest one) Hebei Province: Zhangjiakou City, Xingtai City , Liaoning Province, Chengde City: Chaoyang City, Tieling City, Fuxin City, Jilin Province: Siping City, Baicheng, Liaoyuan City Heilongjiang Province: Suihua City, Qitaihe City, Shuangyashan Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Bayannaoer City, Wuhai City, Shanxi Province of Tongliao City: Luliang City, Xinzhou City, Linfen City Henan Province:柱madian City, Xinyang, Sanmenxia Shandong Province: Heze City, Linyi City, Liaocheng Anhui Province: Suzhou City, Liu'an City, Chizhou City Jiangsu Province: Suqian City, Huai'an City, Lianyungang City Zhejiang Province: Lishui City, Luzhou City, Fujian Province, Huzhou City: Ningde City, Sanming, Longyan Jiangxi Province: Ji'an City, Fuzhou City, Hubei Province, Ganzhou Xiaogan City Hunan Province: Yongzhou City, Huaihua City, Zhangjiajie Guangdong Province: Heyuan City, Yunfu City, and Meizhou City in Hainan only two cities do not count the Guangxi柱ang Autonomous Region: Baise City, Hechi City, Hezhou Guizhou Province: Liupanshui City Sichuan Province Sichuan Province : Bazhong City, Ya'an, Dazhou Yunnan Province: Lincang City, Simao City, Zhaotong Tibet Autonomous Region only one city does not count Shaanxi Province: Ankang City, Shangluo City, Hanzhong City Gansu Province: Dingxi City, Longnan City, Pingliang, Liang Liang Only one city in Qinghai Province does not count the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region: Guyuan Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has only two cities in the two cities (the three most county or municipalities in the four major municipalities in the four major municipalities) Beijing: Pinggu District, Mentougou D







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